Dental stem cells in tooth regeneration

Ahmed, Sulva
OA Version
The objective of this literature review was to highlight and summarize the key studies conducted in the field of tooth regeneration. The large amount of tooth loss and tooth decay indicate a need for tissue replacement therapies. Recent advancements made in the past fifteen years demonstrate the beginning of a new and continually developing field. Through the innovation of different isolation techniques and bioengineering methods, there have been significant breakthrough that have led to limited clinical trials. Researchers have been able to characterize DPSC’s as somatic stem cells that have regenerative properties. Furthermore, a novel culture-pellet system was created to isolate these cells and grow them in quantities that would facilitate further research. Recently, research shifted into the clinical trial phase. Studies showed evidence of periodontal tissue repair, prevention of tooth loss, and even a successful regenerative endodontic procedure. These studies marked significant progress although there is need for more research as the field still is missing important components that hinder it from becoming fully applicable to the clinical setting at this point. There is large amount of potential that makes the field of tooth regeneration very promising in the near future.