Exploring the intersection of cello and poetry
OA Version
Chapter one provides an overview of this project and its limitations. There is a summary of each chapter, an explanation of the three chosen methods of combining cello and poetry, and brief examples.
Chapter two provides background on the emergence of the cello as a popular instrument in the twentieth century. The rise is evidenced by an improved technique of playing, the fame of two humanitarian-cellists, increased collaboration between cellists and composers, and the lessening of gender restrictions that previously discouraged women from playing the cello.
Chapter three is divided into three sections, one for each method. Specific pieces of varying instrumentation by diverse composers are analyzed. Score excerpts and poetic texts illuminate the discussion.
Chapter four briefly examines the use of signature in twentieth-century pieces for solo cello.
Chapter five presents the piece commissioned for this dissertation. An analysis of the piece, including score excerpts, and a discussion of the collaborative process are provided.
Chapter six concludes the dissertation and summarizes the findings. Suggestions for
further research are offered.
There are two appendices. The first is a compilation of pieces that combine cello and poetry. The author has made every attempt to make the list as inclusive as possible. The second appendix is a score to Kite by Chris LaRosa.