Song Literature I Class Recital

School of Music, Boston University
OA Version
This is the concert program of the Song Literature I Class Recital on Tuesday, December 7, 1999 at 8:30 p.m., at the Marshall Room, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Music for a While by Henry Purcell, Come all Ye Songsters of the Sky by Henry Purcell, Bois epais (from "Amadis") by Jean-Baptiste Lully, Weep you no more by John Dowland, Dove sei (from "Rodelinda") by George Frederick Handel, Thou shall break them (from "Messiah") by G. F. Handel, Sposa son disprezzata (from "La Griselda") by Antonio Vivaldi, See the raging flames arise (from "Joshua") by G. F. Handel, O thou that tell us (from "The Messiah") by G. F. Handel, Va godendo (from "Serse") by G. F. Handel, Schon eilet froh der Ackerman (from "Die Schöpfung") by Franz Joseph Haydn, She never told her love by F. J. Haydn, Ridente la calma by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Als Luise die Briefe, K. 520 by W. A. Mozart, An Chloe, K. 524 by W. A. Mozart, Das Veilchen, K. 476 by W. A. Mozart, and Freudvoll und leidvoll Op. 84 No. 4 by Ludwig van Beethoven. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund.
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