New measures of journal impact based on the number of citations and PageRank
Published version
Souma, Wataru
Vodenska, Irena
Chitkushev, Lou
Published version
OA Version
W. Souma, I. Vodenska, L. Chitkushev. 2020. "New Measures of Journal Impact Based on the Number of Citations and PageRank." Journal of Digital Information Management, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 11 - 11.
The number of citations has been used for measuring the significance of a paper. Moreover, we have the following question: which paper is the most important if there are some papers with the same number of citations? Some measures have been introduced to answer this question: one of them is PageRank. We use the Science Citation Index Expanded from 1981 to 2015 to calculate the number of citations and the Google number in the citation network consisting of 34,666,719 papers and 591,321,826 citations. We clarify the positive linear relationship between the number of citations and the Google number, as well as extract some outliers from this positive linear relationship. These outliers are considered to be extremely prestigious papers. Furthermore, we calculate the mean values of the number of citations and the Google number for all journals, construct a new measure of journal influence, and extract extremely prestigious journals. This new measure has a positive and medium correlation with the impact factor, Eigenfactor score, and SCImago Journal Rank.
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