A novel decomposition for control of DC circuits and grid models with heterogeneous energy sources

1709.07569v1.pdf(460.23 KB)
Accepted manuscript
Wang, Shuai
Baillieul, John
OA Version
Shuai Wang, John Baillieul. 2017. "A Novel Decomposition for Control of DC Circuits and Grid Models with Heterogeneous Energy Sources.." CoRR, Volume abs/1709.07569
The way in which electric power depends on the topology of circuits with mixed voltage and current sources is examined. The power flowing in any steady-state DC circuit is shown to depend on a minimal set of key variables called fundamental node voltages and fundamental edge currents. Every steady-state DC circuit can be decomposed into a voltage controlled subcircuit and a current controlled subcircuit. In terms of such a decomposition, the I^2R losses of a mixed source circuit are always the sum of losses on the voltage controlled subcircuit and the current controlled subcircuit. The paper concludes by showing that the total power flowing in a mixed source circuit can be found as critical points of the power expressed in terms of the key voltage and current variables mentioned above. The possible relationship to topology control of electric grid operations is discussed.
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