Robert Gartside, tenor assisted by Richard Corbett, pianist, November 29, 1967
School of Music, Boston University
OA Version
This is the concert program of the Robert Gartside, tenor assisted by Richard Corbett, pianist performance on Wednesday, November 29, 1967 at 8:30 p.m., at the Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Come Again, Sweet Love by John Dowland, Sweet Kate by Robert Jones, O, Death, Rock Me Asleep arranged by Anne Boleyn, Fire, Fire by Thomas Campion, Mistress Mine by Thomas Morley, Du bist wie eine Blume Op. 25, No. 14 by Robert Schumann, Heiss' mich nicht reden Op. 98a, No. 5 by R. Schumann, Abends am Strand Op. 45, No. 3 by R. Schumann, L'Echelonnement Des Haies by Claude Debussy, Le Jet D'Eau by C. Debussy, Ser Sandmann Op. 79, No. 12 by R. Schumann, Widmung Op. 25, No. 1 by R. Schumann, Romance by C. Debussy, Main Dominée Par Le Coeur by Francis Poulenc, Sanglots by F. Poulenc, and Montparnasse by F. Poulenc. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund.
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