An ultrastructural and vascular study of the gingival sulcus wall of Dutch belted rabbits

Anapolle, Steven E.
OA Version
An ultrastructural and vascular study of the gingival sulcus wall was undertaken to achieve a better understanding of the gingival sulcus in health and disease and the interrelationship between gingival aulcus fluid and sulcus anatomy. In order to substantiate the fact that tracers introduced by cardiac puncture go in substantial amounts to the oral tissue, filtered Pelikan ink (carbon suspension)was injected into our rabbits. The oral tissues imnediately turned a bluish-black. A small exudate of carbon could be seen cupping the incisors of the animals. Histologlc sections of biopsies taken at 3 minutes post-injection revealed blood vessels within the periodontal ligament and the pulp filled with carbon particles. Using the same route of injection our rabbits were then perfused with a 40% saccharated iron oxide solution. Gingival tissue from the labial aspect of the maxillary incisors was removed by incisional biopsy at 45 minutes and 60 minute intervals. Standard electron microscopic fixation and preparation was carried out. [TRUNCATED]
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Thesis (D.Sc.D.)--Boston University, School of Graduate Dentistry, Dept. of Periodontology, [1970?]
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