Environmental law — resuming progress on lead poisoning: a prime indicator of civilization
Reibstein, Richard
Published version
OA Version
R. Reibstein. 2018. "Environmental Law — Resuming Progress on Lead Poisoning: A Prime Indicator of Civilization" Western New England law review, Volume 40. https://digitalcommons.law.wne.edu/lawreview/vol40/iss1/4
[Failing to adequately protect citizens against the threat of lead poisoning is an indication that our society is not fully civilized. There are many compelling reasons to take concerted action against lead: the seriousness of its harm, the preventability of poisoning, that all of society is affected, and that many actions are economically feasible.
Even the most costly action, removal of the source, has an excellent costbenefit ratio. After reviewing the state of affairs and the reasons to take action, this Article provides an overview of some of the actions that can be taken. Mustering the ability to take action will be a symbolic and important exercise of democracy, strengthening the sense of common purpose, and illustrating that government exists to care for the people.]
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