Song Literature I Renaissance and Baroque Music, December 1, 1992
School of Music, Boston University
OA Version
This is the concert program of the Song Literature I Renaissance and Baroque Music performance on Wednesday, December 1, 1992 at 8:00 p.m., at the Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Eau vive, source d'amour by Gabrielle Bataille, Deh, dove son fuggiti by Giulio Caccini, O miei giorni fugaci by Jacopo Peri, Come Away, Come Sweet Love by John Dowland,"Addio Corindo" from "I casti amori d'Orontea" by Pietro Antonio Cesti, "Itorno all'ido mio" from "I casti amori d'Orontea" by P. A. Cesti, "Seek not to know" from "The Indian Queen" by Henry Purcell, Sento nel core by Alessandro Scarlatti, Vieni, vieni, o mio diletto by Antonio Vivaldi, Piango gemo by A. Vivaldi, The Timely Admonition by Thomas Arne, "Aria di Buona fede" from "Il mondo della luna" by Franz Joseph Haydn, "Oh had I jubal's lyre" from "Joshua" by George Frideric Handel, "O Numi eterni" from "Lucretia" by G. F. Handel, "I know that my Redeemer liveth" from "Messiah" by G. F. Handel, "Và godendo" from "Serse" by G. F. Handel, and "Let the Bright Seraphim" from "Samson" by G. F. Handel. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund.
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