An electron microscopic study of the dental pulp in the human premolar and rat incisor

Breyan, David Edward
OA Version
Dental pulp from the human premolar and continuously growing incisor of the rat was isolated and prepared for electron microscopic observation. This purely morphological investigation attempted to review the ultrastructure characteristic of the pulp in a more unified way than has been accomplished to date. Thus, instead of focusing on one particular aspect of this connective tissue various elements were delved into. The rat pulp tissue afforded an excellent opportunity for the study of collagen formation. In this respect the most probable pathways involved in the synthesis and extracellular segregation of collagenous precursors were discussed and examined in the light of this investigator's findings. Other less likely routes were also given attention. [TRUNCATED]
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Photomicrographs and drawings.
Thesis (M.Sc.D.)--Boston University. School of Graduate Dentistry (Endodontics)
Bibliography included.
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