Evaluation of the mechanical and physical properties of 3D-printed resin materials
OA Version
OBJECTIVES: This in vitro study aims to compare and evaluate the mechanical properties of different 3D-printed resin materials. Determine the impact of 3D printer type on the mechanical properties. Investigate the filler percentage by weight for each resin material.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eight resin materials were tested for flexural strength, flexural modulus, microhardness, fracture toughness, and wear resistance. Resin materials: Rodin Sculpture (RS), BEGO VarseoSmile Crown Plus (BVS), Desktop Health Flexcera Smile Ultra Plus (DHF), SprintRay Crown (SRC), SprintRay Ceramic Crown (SCC), Saremco Crowntec (SC), Myerson Trusana (MT), PacDent Ceramic Nanohybrid (PAC). 3D printer Asiga Max and Ackuretta SOL were used to print 12 specimens from each material to compare three-point flexural strength in bar-shape, biaxial flexural strength in disc-shape, fracture toughness in single edge V-notched beam, wear resistance in pin-shape. Three discs shape specimens from each material were used to compare the Vickers microhardness. The filler percentage by weight of each material is determined by Ash burning and Solvent extraction. The microstructure of a polished disc from each material was examined under a scanning electron microscope (SEM), and the elemental composition was investigated by Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS). Results were analyzed using ANOVA, regression of least square means (α = 0.05), Tukey HSD test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Student’s t-test.
RESULTS: The flexural strength test results, utilizing the three-point method, reveal significant differences among the materials tested. The highest average was recorded in SCC at 160 MPa, while the lowest was found in SRC at 84.4 MPa. The flexural modulus also exhibited significant differences, with the highest average observed in SCC, BVS, RS, SRC, DHF, SC, and MT, measuring 7.8, 6.2, 6.0, 5.8, 4.9, 4.5, and 3.0 GPa, respectively. The resin materials with the highest biaxial flexural strength were DHF 217 MPa and MT 200 MPa, with no significant distinction between them and different from the remaining materials. SCC demonstrated a notably higher average value in Vickers microhardness 44 HVN, while DHF exhibited a significantly lower value of 15.58. The Fracture toughness test presented no significant differences between DHF, MT, and SCC, with values of 2.28, 2.27, and 2.11 MPa.m0.5, respectively, exceeding the remaining materials. In the wear test, DHF and MT had a significantly higher weight loss rate of 29.25 and 27.18 mg/million cycle, respectively. In contrast, MT's height loss rate of 2.02 mm/million cycle was the only significantly higher difference from other materials. The data indicates that the printer type does not significantly affect biaxial flexural strength. At the same time, Asiga exhibited significantly higher values in three-point flexural strength, flexural modulus and hardness tests. In contrast, the SOL printer demonstrated higher values in fracture toughness than Asiga. The ash and solvent extraction methods revealed that SCC had the highest filler percentage by weight, while MT had the lowest. SEM imaging showed the existence of filler particles in all materials, with PAC containing the largest particles and MT containing the smallest. DHF was the only resin material that contained exclusively spherical shape filler particles. EDS analysis disclosed the elemental composition of each material with a higher percentage in Silica, Oxygen, Barium, Titanium, and Ytterbium.
CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate significant differences in the tested materials' flexural strength, flexural modulus, biaxial flexural strength, Vickers microhardness, fracture toughness, and wear rates. Even though there are significant differences in some of the mechanical properties of the printer type, it is small and might not have an effect clinically. A strong correlation exists between filler percentage with flexural modulus r = 0.83, biaxial flexural strength r = 0.60, microhardness r = 0.73, and wear resistance r= 0.82. There is a low correlation between filler percentage with fracture toughness r= 0.41, with no correlation with flexural strength in the three-point test. Filler particle percentage highly affects the mechanical properties of 3D printed resin materials. These findings could be valuable in selecting appropriate materials for specific applications.
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