A novel image processing pipeline for assessing volumetric changes to grey matter in ex-vivo brain tissue

Browne, Shannon
OA Version
Recently, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has found great traction in monitoring the effects of Caloric Restriction (CR) on the brain, specifically gray matter. However, there are no streamlined, simple pipelines in existence to analyze data generated from these kinds of MRI studies. Therefore, my hypothesis is two-fold: the first part being the development of a dynamic and straightforward image processing pipeline, which I have tailored to fit the unique needs of the CR data involved in this study. This data brings me to the second part of my hypothesis, which is to use that pipeline to highlight the decreased attenuation in grey matter induced by long-term CR. In order to test the second portion of my hypothesis, T1/MPRAGE scans were collected from 17 male Rhesus Macaques, half of which were maintained on a 30% reduced calorie diet for an average of 22 years, starting around age 3. Using this basis, the inherent properties of the MR images were exploited by the novel pipeline, and used to analyze whether or not CR reduces the attenuation of grey matter atrophy, with regards to aging
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