Boston University Choral Ensembles, October 8, 2011

School of Music, Boston University
OA Version
This is the concert program of the Boston University Choral Ensembles performance on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at 8:00 p.m., at Marsh Chapel, 735 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were "Heilig" from Die deutsche Liturgie, WwO27 by Felix Mendelssohn, Missa Brevis St. Johannes de Deo ("Kleine Orgelmesse"), Hob. XXII: No. 7 in B-flat by Franz Joseph Haydn, Ave Verum Corpus, K. 618 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, "Welten singen" chorus from Christus am Olberge, op. 85 by Ludwig van Beethoven, Seven Poems of Robert Bridges by Gerald Finzi, Three Shakespeare Songs by Ralph Vaughan Williams, and Three Scottish Folksongs by Mack Wilberg. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund.
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