The complete poems of Samuel Beckett: a critical edition
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This edition fills a gap in Samuel Beckett scholarship by gathering the accurate texts of all original poems by Beckett in English and French and all of Beckett's translations of his poems (into English, French and, in one case, German), including a number of poems not previously published or collected. Below each poem, the edition provides a section of textual commentary, stating the date of the poem's origin as it can best be ascertained; a record of extant manuscripts, typescripts, and other archival sources containing the poem; a record of its publications in periodicals, collections and elsewhere; an explanation of any corrections to the text; and a record of the poem's textual variants, including both wording and punctuation. Also supplied are English translations of all the French poems that Beckett did not translate himself. The introduction to the edition provides a broad overview of the archival materials pertaining to Beckett's poetry and a history of its composition and publication; addresses a range of textual and dating problems concerning poems and their archival and published versions; and states the principles underlying the choice of their most authoritative texts and their arrangement in the volume.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University. Please note: This work is permanently embargoed in OpenBU. No public access is forecasted for this item. To request private access, please click on the locked Download file link, and fill out the appropriate web form.