Sanitizer centerpieces: concerns for restaurant operations in MA

Palabiyik, John
Bagnera, Suzanne
Cronin, Brendan
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OA Version
John Palabiyik, Suzanne Bagnera, Brendan Cronin. 2020. "Sanitizer Centerpieces: Concerns for Restaurant Operations in MA." Boston Hospitality Review, Issue Summer 2020,
The COVID-19 virus arrived as an unidentifiable shock to the restaurant industry. The whole hospitality industry was unexpectedly crippled by an issue that it has never experienced in its prior history. Once operators got over the antecedent trauma, they immediately looked for an opportunity to adjust their operational plan. The response was varied based on their business model. As management expert Leon C. Megginson said, “it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable and responsive to change.” The operators knew change was inevitable, they had to pivot their operation to adopt the new standards swiftly. They had to look at the operations from scratch (going back to basics). As an immediate response to remain in business, pivots had to be made, including offering or enhancing take-out service, creating curbside delivery and/or home delivery options. Currently, Massachusetts restaurants are open with restrictions, including the number of persons seated inside, CDC recommended cleaning protocols, social distancing guidelines and the requirement to wear a facial mask. Operators have a greater sense of confidence compared to the first couple of months of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, they remain in uncharted waters resulting in a stressful uncertainty for the future. Moreover, conditions and regulations change very fast requiring operators to operate differently every day.
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