A revolution underground: a history and analysis of the management of archaeological resources at Minute Men National Historical Park, Concord, Massachusetts 1959-2000

Mead, Leslie A
OA Version
This report documents and examines the history of archaeological management at Minute Man National Historical Park from 1959 to the present. It presents a description of the over 156 archaeological projects that have taken place within Park during that time. It also presents an analysis of that work from the perspective of examining how the National Park Service managed archaeological resources in the Park. This research found that management of archaeological resources in the Park has been dictated by a number of things: the expansion and increasing sophistication of cultural resource management, the evolution of archaeological theory and methods, and the Park's own management plan and development strategy. The research found that the past forty years have seen profound changes in the way the Park perceived archaeology. It has evolved from regarding archaeology merely a means to fill in gaps in the historical record to a view of the archaeological resource as something considerable more complex. The conclusion of the report is that until recent years, archaeological management at Minute Man has lagged at least a decade behind the highest standards of the preservation community and the standards of archaeological method and theory. In the past fifteen years, however, the Park has aggressively pursued archaeological investigations as a means of dealing with the expanding resource base, enriching its interpretation, and increasing public awareness of the richness and variety of its resources.
Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 2000 PLEASE NOTE: This work is protected by copyright. We have restricted downloading to the BU community only. If you are the author of this work and would like to make it publicly available, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. If you are a member of the BU community and would like to see it, please click View/Open and log in using your BU account.
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