Data and code for: Feedbacks among electric vehicle adoption, charging, and the cost and installation of rooftop solar

EV_table_0702.xls(4.74 MB)
Data file
Panel_All_I(0).rpf(11.63 KB)
RATS file for statistical analysis
Panel_CostI(1)_Clear.rpf(11.83 KB)
RATS file for statistical analysis
Panel_EVI(1)_Clear.rpf(12.1 KB)
RATS file for statistical analysis
Panel_EV&CostI(1)_Clear.rpf(12.19 KB)
RATS file for statistical analysis
Kaufmann, Robert K.
Newberry, Derek
Xin, Chen
Gopal, Sucharita
OA Version
Kaufmann, R.K., Newberry, D., Xin, C., and Gopal, S., 2020, Data and code for: Feedbacks among electric vehicle adoption, charging, and the cost and installation of rooftop solar. OpenBU,
Identifying feedback loops in consumer behaviors is important to develop policies to accentuate desired behavior. Here, we use Granger causality to provide empirical evidence for feedback loops among four important components of a low-carbon economy. One loop includes the cost of installing rooftop solar (Cost) and the installation of rooftop solar (PV); this loop is likely generated by learning by doing and reductions in the levelized cost of electricity. The second includes the purchase of electric vehicles (EV) and the installation of rooftop solar that is likely created by environmental complementarity. Finally, we address whether installing charging stations enhances the purchase of electric vehicles and vice versa; surprisingly, there is no evidence for a causal relation in either direction. Together, these results suggest ways to modify existing policy in ways that could trigger the Cost ↔PV ↔EV feedback loops and accelerate the transition to carbon free technologies.
These data and code can be used to reproduce the results described in the paper: "Feedbacks among electric vehicle adoption, charging, and the cost and installation of rooftop solar" that is published in Nature Energy. The data file is EV_Table_0702.xls. The remaining files are RATS files that are used to generate the statistical output. The statistical software RATS is needed to run statistical analyses.
This dataset is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License (