Kindness is not 86’d: the spirit of hospitality in a world of COVID-19
Bagnera, Suzanne
Tringale, Leah
Published version
OA Version
Suzanne Bagnera, Leah Tringale. 2020. "Kindness is not 86’d: The Spirit of Hospitality in a World of COVID-19." Boston Hospitality Review, Issue Special COVID-19 Edition.
Beginning in March of 2020, individuals started the practice of the unfamiliar act of social distancing. Along with the uncertainty of the virus, many of us are left apprehensive about the future. Having consensual physical contact with other people and enjoying the company of others in the flesh releases chemicals in the brain and body (e.g. endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin) that give us feelings of happiness and even love (Dewan, 2020). Humans generally thrive from social interaction—making self-isolation feel unnatural. The option of enjoying a glass of Barolo and a charcuterie board, while engaging in meaningful conversation with the bartender at a local restaurant, is temporarily unavailable. For centuries, many have leaned on the shoulders of hospitality personnel for company, laughter and guidance. What have the restaurants, hotels, distributors, suppliers and other members of the hospitality community been doing during this time? While hospitality establishments start to reopen, it is crucial to remember how an overwhelming amount of those in the hospitality business have been aiding the community in extraordinary measures.
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