Age is measured with systematic measurement error in developing country surveys: a diagnosis and analysis of consequences

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Published version
Rosenzweig, Steven C.
Published version
OA Version
S.C. Rosenzweig. 2021. "Age is measured with systematic measurement error in developing country surveys: A diagnosis and analysis of consequences." Research & Politics, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 205316802110440 - 205316802110440.
Research in political science and other social sciences often relies on survey data to study a range of questions about politics in the developing world. This study identifies systematic measurement error in some of the most frequently used datasets with respect to one commonly employed variable: respondent’s age. It shows evidence of substantial measurement error that is correlated with observable characteristics, and discusses and illustrates the implications for empirical analysis with an example from a recently published study. In doing so, it demonstrates tools for identifying and diagnosing systematic measurement error in survey data, as well as for investigating the robustness of one’s findings when the problem arises.
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