Dataset: Modeling the concentration enhancement and selectivity of plastic particle transport in sea spray aerosols

Dubitsky, Lena
Deane, Grant
Stokes, M. Dale
Bird, James
OA Version
This dataset was created from a combination of theoretical models investigating the concentration enhancement and selectivity of plastic particle transport in sea spray aerosols. Following the approach and assumptions outlined in a paper with the same title, the data reports the theoretical enrichment expected in film drops and jet drops on a per bubble size per particle size basis. The bounds of the enrichment depend on the attachment efficiency, which can vary from zero to one, and representative values for the model are calculated for both extremes. Furthermore, this enrichment combines with the bubble-size distribution modeled from a breaking wave along with the plastic particle size distribution modeled from observations to produce an estimate for the number flux of ejected particles per wave on a per bubble size per particle size basis. Calculation results are also provided for the particle surface area and volume flux on a per bubble size per particle size basis from bursting bubbles with and without scavenging (attachment efficiency one or zero). Finally, the ratios of the enrichment, number, area, and volume are computed when integrated across particle size and bubble size.
Two dataset files are presented: one that models film drops and one that models jet drops. These .xls files contain multiple tabs. The tabs provide the data for the enrichment factor (also known as the concentration enhancement), number flux, surface area flux, and volume flux with one tab each with scavenging (Ea = 1) and without scavenging (Ea = 0). Within each tab, the data is presented as an array with each column corresponding to a particle size, a, in microns, and each row corresponding to a bubble size, R. Note that in the jet drop file, the corresponding size of the top jet drop, r, is also provided. MATLAB code that generates this data and corresponding figures are included in a separate zip file.
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