Uncertainty and dispersion of opinions
Kim, Min
Zapatero, Fernando
Other (The paper is a revised version of a paper, "The Distorting Incentives of Relative Performance Evaluationfor Equity Analysts." We thank Ricardo Alonso, Wayne Ferson, Javier Gil-Bazo (the discussant), Christopher Jones, Anthony Marino, Kevin Murphy, Oguzhan Ozbas, Selale Tuzel, Mark WesterÖeld, and the participants at the Second Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society in honor of John Nash on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Nash Equilibrium, the second CNMV International Conference on Securities Market, and the seminars at the University of Southern California and McMaster University, for their helpful comments. Min S. Kim, Boston University, Department of Finance (email: mkim6@bu.edu, homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/minskim/home. Fernando Zapatero, Corresponding author; Boston University, Department of Finance (email: fzapa@bu.edu; homepage: https://www.bu.edu/questrom/proÖle/fernando-zapatero/)
OA Version
M. Kim, F. Zapatero. "Uncertainty and Dispersion of Opinions"