Department of Journalism: Scholarly Works

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    Online beam current estimation in particle beam microscopy
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022) Seidel, Sheila W.; Watkins, Luisa; Peng, Minxu; Agarwal, Akshay; Yu, Christopher; Goyal, Vivek K.
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    Greeley, Fuller & Marx: "a world in need of change"
    Daly, Christopher B.
    Horace Greeley, publisher of the 19th C New York Tribune, employed both Margaret Fuller and Karl Marx as European correspondents for his newspaper, the largest-circulating paper in the US.
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    Gender violence, poverty, migration, identity, xenophobia
    (Our World Magazine, 2020-02-19) Marinovich, Greg
    Xoliswa had returned earlier from the nearby shebeen drunk, which was not unusual for her. Now, she needed to go to the toilet, which was a communal arrangement for hundreds of people from the neighbouring shacks. She had left her husband Justice and daughter P. asleep. It was several hours later that Justice was called to the toilets – Xoliswa was unconscious and bleeding profusely from head wounds likely inflicted with the gory rocks discarded alongside her. It was clear she had also been raped. The police and an ambulance were called, but in the hours-long wait, Xoliswa died. The ambulance crew refused to venture into the Zandspruit settlement and the policemen who came refused to treat her death as a murder until the pathologists had thus determined. In the meantime, the community had begun their own investigation and several witnesses directed them to a group of three men and a woman who had been drinking with Xoliswa earlier that night. The vigilantes soon found two of the three men who quickly confessed.
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    Trump, Twitter, and news media responsiveness: a media systems approach
    (SAGE Publications, 2020-04-02) Wells, Christopher; Shah, Dhavan; Lukito, Josephine; Pelled, Ayellet; Pevehouse, Jon C. W.; Yang, JungHwan
    How populists engage with media of various types, and are treated by those media, are questions of international interest. In the United States, Donald Trump stands out for both his populism-inflected campaign style and his success at attracting media attention. This article examines how interactions between candidate communications, social media, partisan media, and news media combined to shape attention to Trump, Clinton, Cruz, and Sanders during the 2015–2016 American presidential primary elections. We identify six major components of the American media system and measure candidates’ efforts to gain attention from them. Our results demonstrate that social media activity, in the form of retweets of candidate posts, provided a significant boost to news media coverage of Trump, but no comparable boost for other candidates. Furthermore, Trump tweeted more at times when he had recently garnered less of a relative advantage in news attention, suggesting he strategically used Twitter to trigger coverage.
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    The temporal turn in communication research: time series analyses sing computational approaches
    (University of Southern California, 2019-09-09) Wells, Christopher; Shah, Dhavan; Pevehouse, Jon C. W.; Foley, Jordan; Lukito, Josephine; Pelled, Ayellet; Yang, JungHwan
    Some of the most pioneering work in our field is occurring where emerging computational approaches are meeting time series analytic techniques. Combining these methods is helping scholars improve our understanding of phenomena as varied as news and issue attention cycles, physiological responses to communication exposure, changes in mass opinion, and the dynamics between social media and legacy news media. In this article, we summarize the current state of computational communication science techniques to generate sequential data for use in time series analysis and suggest directions for further development. In particular, we consider the long-standing place of temporal dynamics for our field’s main theories; overview recent work combining computational science with time series analysis; present narrative accounts of two major research programs in this area; and review techniques of time series analysis, including major concerns for communication researchers working in the area.
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    Modeling the formation of attentive publics in social media: the case of Donald Trump
    (Informa UK Limited, 2020-03-03) Wells, Chris; Zhang, Yini; Lukito, Josephine; Pevehouse, Jon C. W.
    Previous research has shown the importance of Donald Trump’s Twitter activity, and that of his Twitter following, in spreading his message during the primary and general election campaigns of 2015–2016. However, we know little about how the publics who followed Trump and amplified his messages took shape. We take this case as an opportunity to theorize and test questions about the assembly of what we call “attentive publics” in social media. We situate our study in the context of current discussions of audience formation, attention flow, and hybridity in the United States’ political media system. From this we derive propositions concerning how attentive publics aggregate around a particular object, in this case Trump himself, which we test using time series modeling. We also present an exploration of the possible role of automated accounts in these processes. Our results reiterate the media hybridity described by others, while emphasizing the importance of news media coverage in building social media attentive publics.
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    Shembe: a Zulu Church
    (Hutchins Center, Harvard University, 2018-02-01) Marinovich, Greg; Sara, Bruya
    One of the ceremonies Shembe initiated was a barefoot three-day pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain, Nhlangakazi. Shembe said the Word had led him to this low, flat-topped mountain, as it was the place God would communicate his instructions to his prophet, just as Moses had to climb Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. It might have been at Nhlangakazi (accounts vary) that Shembe was struck by lightning and while incapacitated, received divine visions that instructed him to go south.