Foreign Service Dispatches: Mozambique

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U.S. Consular dispatches from Lourenço Marques (now Maputo) dating 1950-1975 were obtained from the US Department of State via a Freedom of Information request by Jeanne Penvenne. (Request made on November 30, 1976 and document received on May 31, 1978.) Penvenne later deposited these documents at Boston University.

The years 1964-1975 (and parts of 1962-3) are available in this collection.

The years 1950-1961 and parts of 1962-3) are available in print at the Boston University African Studies Library: Mozambique U. S. Consulate- Lourenco Marques: Despatches 1950-63. JDOCS. J849 .A18m.


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