En torno al prólogo de Borges a la Eneida
OA Version
El artículo propone la lectura de los prólogos de Borges como un espacio imprescindible para conocer a fondo la obra del escritor argentino. A partir de esta idea, se estudia como ejemplo paradigmático el prólogo que compuso para la Eneida a mediados de los años ochenta. Se selecciona este prólogo, principalmente, por dos motivos: por haber sido compuesto en la madurez de su carrera literaria y por ocuparse en él de una obra sobre la que reflexionó durante toda su vida. Basado en la crítica textual y en el estudio comparativo, el análisis se centra en el modo en que Borges reelabora y sintetiza en este prefacio ideas concebidas en trabajos previos; en el estudio de las fuentes literarias de las que se sirve para su argumentación, y en los pasajes concretos que selecciona de la obra latina. De este modo, en las conclusiones se subraya el hecho de que, si bien su lectura de la Eneida es personal y original, también enlaza con una serie de ideas que se han perpetuado desde la Antigüedad.
The article proposes a reading of Borges’ prologues as key to understanding the work of the Argentine writer. We examine the prologue that he wrote for the Aeneid in the mid-80s as a paradigmatic example of this idea. This prologue is mainly selected for two reasons: for its having been written in the later on in his writing career, and also for its engagement of a literary work that he spent his whole life reflecting on. With an analytical framework based on textual criticism and comparative study, this essay focuses on the way in which Borges re-elaborates and synthesizes ideas conceived in previous works in the form of a preface, as well as examines the literary sources that he uses to construct his argument. In this way, the conclusion emphasizes the fact that, although his reading of the Aeneid is personal and original, it also connects to a series of ideas that have been perpetuated since antiquity.
The article proposes a reading of Borges’ prologues as key to understanding the work of the Argentine writer. We examine the prologue that he wrote for the Aeneid in the mid-80s as a paradigmatic example of this idea. This prologue is mainly selected for two reasons: for its having been written in the later on in his writing career, and also for its engagement of a literary work that he spent his whole life reflecting on. With an analytical framework based on textual criticism and comparative study, this essay focuses on the way in which Borges re-elaborates and synthesizes ideas conceived in previous works in the form of a preface, as well as examines the literary sources that he uses to construct his argument. In this way, the conclusion emphasizes the fact that, although his reading of the Aeneid is personal and original, it also connects to a series of ideas that have been perpetuated since antiquity.
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