Ejinda (Encomium in Nupe Ajami)
OA Version
Kurfi, Mustapha Hashim, Ngom, Fallou, and Castro, Eleni (2019). African Ajami Library: Digital Preservation of Nupe Ajami Materials of Middle Belt, Nigeria. Boston: Boston University Libraries: http://hdl.handle.net/2144/38121.
This manuscript titled Ejinda, is a eulogy or encomium in Nupe Ajami. This poem is eulogizing Sheik Ahmad Tijāni, the leader of the Tijjāniyyah Movement. There is no author name, nor does it indicate when it was written. Similar to other poems in the Ajami tradition, Ejinda opens with supplications and seeking blessings to the Prophet of Islam. It reads: Bismillahir-Raḥmānir-Raḥīm. Ṣallallāhu ʿalā Sayyidina Muḥammadin wa Saḥbihi wa Sallama Taslīman. This facsimile constitutes part of what Sheikh Imam Alhaji Abdurrahman Aboki examined in his Dissertation (1991). There are five stanzas, each with five lines. Clearly, this is the beginning of the poem, but the end of the poem or encomium appears to be missing. Further proof to that is the catchword "Ibrāhīm" at the end of the page, which shows that there should be more to be read or chanted on the following page(s). The majority of poems in Ajami end with a conclusion, but this one has none.
The entire manuscript is available for download as a single PDF file. Higher-resolution images may
be available upon request. For technical assistance, please contact open-help@bu.edu. Fieldwork Team: Dr. Mustapha Hashim Kurfi (Principal Investigator), Alhaji Abubakar A’ishatu (Local Project Manager), Usman Abdullahi Nagya (General Field Facilitator) and Mohammed Yahaya Isah (Gatekeeper), Technical Team: Prof. Fallou Ngom (Director African Studies Center), and Eleni Castro (Technical Lead, BU Libraries). This collection of Nupe Ajami materials are copied as part of the African Studies Center’s African Ajami Library. Access Condition and Copyright: These materials are subject to copyright. All rights reserved to the author. For use, distribution or reproduction contact Professor Fallou Ngom (fngom@bu.edu). Citation: Materials in this web edition should be cited as: Kurfi, Mustapha Hashim, Ngom, Fallou, and Castro, Eleni (2019). African Ajami Library: Digital Preservation of Nupe Ajami Materials of Middle Belt, Nigeria. Boston: Boston University Libraries: http://hdl.handle.net/2144/38121. For Inquiries: Please contact Professor Fallou Ngom (fngom@bu.edu).
Provenance and Condition: This manuscript is owned by Sheikh Alhaji Abdurrahman Aboki, the Chief Imam of Central Mosque of the Federal Polytechnic, Bida—Niger state (from Middle Belt Nigeria). The manuscript Ejinda is in good condition and can be found on page 392 in the manuscript owner’s complete dissertation. The complete Dissertation is titled: "Nupe Islamic Verses in Ajami Edition: Transliteration and Translation of Islamic Studies Manuscripts of Nupeland", which was submitted to the Department of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of a Master’s of Education in Curriculum and Instruction (Islamic Studies), and approved in 1991 A.D./1412 A.H.
Provenance and Condition: This manuscript is owned by Sheikh Alhaji Abdurrahman Aboki, the Chief Imam of Central Mosque of the Federal Polytechnic, Bida—Niger state (from Middle Belt Nigeria). The manuscript Ejinda is in good condition and can be found on page 392 in the manuscript owner’s complete dissertation. The complete Dissertation is titled: "Nupe Islamic Verses in Ajami Edition: Transliteration and Translation of Islamic Studies Manuscripts of Nupeland", which was submitted to the Department of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of a Master’s of Education in Curriculum and Instruction (Islamic Studies), and approved in 1991 A.D./1412 A.H.
These materials are subject to copyright. All rights reserved to the author. For use, distribution or reproduction contact Professor Fallou Ngom (fngom@bu.edu).