Heavy vector partners of the light composite Higgs

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First author draft
Lane, Kenneth D.
Pritchett, Lukas
First author draft
OA Version
Kenneth Lane, Lukas Pritchett. 2016. "Heavy vector partners of the light composite Higgs." PHYSICS LETTERS B, Volume 753, pp. 211 - 214 (4). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2015.12.003
If the Higgs boson 𝘏 (125) is a composite due to new strong interactions at high energy, it has spin-one partners, 𝘱𝘏 and 𝛼𝘏, analogous to the ρ and 𝛼1 mesons of QCD. These bosons are heavy, their mass determined by the strong interaction scale. The strongly interacting particles light enough for 𝘱𝘏 and 𝛼𝘏 to decay to are the longitudinal weak bosons 𝘝𝘓 = 𝘞𝘓, 𝘡𝘓 and the Higgs boson H. These decay signatures are consistent with resonant diboson excesses recently reported near 2 TeV by ATLAS and CMS. We calculate σ × 𝘉𝘙 (𝘱𝘏 ⟶ 𝘝𝘝) = few fb and σ × 𝘉𝘙 (𝛼𝘏 ⟶ 𝘝𝘏) = 0.5-1 fb at √𝑠 = 8 TeV, increasing by a factor of 5–7 at 13TeV. Other tests of the hypothesis of the strong-interaction nature of the diboson resonances are suggested.
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