The light composite Higgs boson in strong extended technicolor
First author draft
Lane, Kenneth D.
Pritchett, Lukas
First author draft
OA Version
Kenneth Lane, Lukas Pritchett. 2017. "The light composite Higgs boson in strong extended technicolor." JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, Issue 6, 22 pp.
This paper extends an earlier one describing the Higgs boson H as a light composite scalar in a strong extended technicolor model of electroweak symmetry breaking. The Higgs mass M H is made much smaller than ΛETC by tuning the ETC coupling very close to the critical value for electroweak symmetry breaking. The technicolor interaction, neglected in the earlier paper, is considered here. Its weakness relative to extended technicolor is essential to understanding the lightness of H compared to the low-lying spin-one technihadrons. Technicolor cannot be completely ignored, but implementing technigluon exchange together with strong extended technicolor appears difficult. We propose a solution that turns out to leave the results of the earlier paper essentially unchanged. An argument is then presented that masses of the spin-one technifermion bound states, ρ H and a H , are much larger than M H and, plausibly, controlled by technicolor. Assuming M ρH and M aH are in the TeV-energy region, we identify ρ H and a H with the diboson excesses observed near 2 TeV by ATLAS and CMS in LHC Run 1 data, and we discuss their phenomenology for Runs 2 and 3.
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