Children of female sex workers and injection drug users: a review of vulnerability,resilience, and family-centered models of care in low and middle-income countries
Beard, Jennifer
Biemba, Godfrey
Simon, Jonathon
OA Version
Female sex workers (FSWs) and injection drug users (IDUs) are often categorized as two of the four populations “most-at-risk” for becoming infected with HIV due to behaviors that heighten their vulnerability to the virus. According to UNAIDS, the term “most-at-risk populations” refers to men who have sex with men, injection drug users, sex workers and their clients. Injecting drugs with non-sterile needles and unsafe sex between male couples and sex workers and clients are believed to drive the HIV epidemics in Western countries, former Soviet republics, and Asia. Interventions for most-at-risk populations tend to focus on the needs of adults with the objective of reducing their risk for HIV through prevention and behavior-change education and risk-reduction strategies. But, to date, little attention has been paid in the published literature to the vulnerabilities faced by their children or to interventions focused on keeping these potentially vulnerable families together, improving the wellbeing of both parents and children, and reducing the risk of both generations for becoming infected with or transmitting HIV.
This item is archived in the repository for materials published for the USAID supported Orphans and Vulnerable Children Comprehensive Action Research Project (OVC-CARE) at the Boston University Center for Global Health and Development.
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