Lamine Cisse Manuscript Collection

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    Misilmeya Taamandiña Kitaabo: Manual for Islamic Rituals
    Cisse, Al-hadji Mamadou (scribe)
    The manuscript is a manual for Islamic rituals. It deals with the five pillars of the faith and other Muslim obligations. It is written in Arabic with glosses in Arabic and Soninke Ajami.
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    Praying for 'Abd Raḥmān al-Suyūtī
    Karambaa, Baa
    The manuscript is a copy of an Arabic poem celebrating and praying for 'Abd Raḥmān al-Suyūtī (c.1445-1505), one of the most prolific Muslim writers of the Middle Ages.
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    Kasb al-Faqīr Fī Madḥ al-Nabī: The Poor Author's Winnings in Praising the Heraldic Prophet
    al-Sanūsī, Muḥammad
    The manuscript is an old Arabic devotional poem that praises Prophet Muḥammad and teaches tawḥīd (Arabic: oneness of God).
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    Duwaaraŋ Kummaayariŋo: Special Prayers
    Cisse, Al-hadji Mamadou
    Consists of prayers. They provide details on the litanies and the number of times to use them in order to address particular concerns.
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    ibn Ibrāhīm al-Khālidī, Abū 'Abdullāh Muḥammad; Cisse, Al-hadji Mamadou (scribe)
    The manuscript is called Khālidiyyun by its owner. It is a copy of the Arabic original written by Abū 'Abdullāh Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm al-Khālidī. It deals with the long and difficult quest for mystical Sufi knowledge and experience.
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    Biniiboo: Celebrating Prophet Muḥammad II
    Cisse, Arfang Aliou (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy of the Arabic original. It is a tribute to Prophet Muḥammad, and covers the period before he was born to his death. It is written in Arabic with glosses in Arabic, Mandinka, and Soninke Ajami.
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    Biniiboo: Celebrating Prophet Muḥammad I
    Cisse, Arfang Aliou (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy of the Arabic original. It praises Prophet Muḥammad. It is written in Arabic with glosses in Arabic, Mandinka, and Soninke.
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    Khaly Madiakhate Kala: a 19th-century Wolof scholar
    Cisse, Al-hadji Mamadou
    The manuscript is an Arabic poem dealing with important historical events and figures in the 19th century in Senegambia. It tells the story of Khaly Madiakhate Kala who was one of the leading Wolof scholars, and his relationship with Lat Dior Ngone Latyr Diop, the last Wolof king who took arms against French colonization.
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    Banāt Su‛ād
    bin Zuhayr, Ka'b; Cisse, Arfang Aliou (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy of an ancient Arabic poem by Ka'b bin Zuhayr, a famous Arab poet who was initially one of the fiercest critics of Prophet Muḥammad. His criticisms had put him in danger of losing his life. He finally repented and asked for forgiveness to Prophet Muḥammad who forgave him. The poem is written in Arabic with multilingual glosses in Arabic and Mandinka.
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    Maariyo Tentu: Praising Our Lord
    Cisse, Al-hadji Mamadou
    The manuscript is a devotional Mandinka Ajami poem dealing with ethics and morality and life in this world and the afterlife. It promotes righetous living.
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    Tubaaboolu la Boyinkaŋo Farafinaa Bankoolu Kaŋ: European Colonization of Africa
    of Taslima, Mouhamadou; Cisse, Al-hadji Mamadou (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy of the original Arabic document. It is deals with the life of the author and European colonization in Africa. It describes how Europeans occupied African lands and colonize the people.
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    Umuru Kayisi la Suukuwo: Imru' al-Qais' Poem
    al-Qais, Imru'; Cisse, Al-hadji Mamadou (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy a poem of by Imru' al-Qais who lived in the 6th century AD and who is considered the father of Arabic poetry. His work is popular in Mandinka communities. The poem is written in Arabic with extensive glosses.
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    Sikicoor Saatee: The Town of Ziguinchor
    Kane, Abdoulaye
    The manuscript is a poem of farewell written on behalf of the men who were drafted for WWII and about to be shipped to Europe to free France from German occupation. According to the owner, the poem was read in public just before the men were shipped from the port of Ziguinchor.
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    Araabukaŋ Suuku Kotooriŋo: old Arabic poem with glosses
    ibn Ḥusayn, Alī; Camara, Ibrahima (scribe)
    The manuscript is an old Arabic poem dealing with Sufism by Alī ibn Ḥusayn (659-713). It includes glosses in Arabic and Soninke. The headings are in red and they use the names of Arabic letters. Different generations have commented on the document as reflected in the blue ink made with a modern pen.
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    Araabukaŋ Kitaabu Fula: Two Arabic Manuscripts
    bin Abū Bakr, Aḥmad; Cisse, Arfang Aliou (scribe)
    Consists of two separate manuscripts, including the popular Arabic devotional poem called Marmūz al-Tantarānī authored by Aḥmad al-Tantarānī. The themes discussed in the documents include life, death, and the afterlife. The manuscripts are written in Arabic with extensive glosses.
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    Araabukaŋ Suukuwo: Arabic Poetry
    ibn Mas‘ūd al-Yūsī, Abū Alī al-Ḥasan; Cisse, Al-hadji Mamadou (scribe)
    The manuscript is an Arabic poem with glosses dealing with Sufism.
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    son of Mouhamadou of Taslima, Abdoul Khadre; Drame, Oumar (scribe)
    The manuscript, called Dureedubaa by its owner, provides a local history of Sufi writings and training. It celebrates scholars who devoted their lives to the quest and expansion of mystical Sufi knowledge. The manuscript is written in Arabic with glosses in Arabic and Soninke Ajami.
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    Berekoloŋ Keloo: The Berekoloŋ War
    Diebate, Arfang Karamo; Cisse, Arfang Aliou (scribe)
    The manuscript deals with the war between the pre-colonial kingdoms of Kaabu and Fuuta Jalon called Berekoloŋ Keloo in Mandinka. The manuscript goes back to the time when the Fulani of Fuuta Jalon invaded and occupied Mandinka lands of Kaabu and the key leaders who fought in the war. The manuscript is written in Arabic with extensive glosses.
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    Dāliyyat al-Yūsī
    ibn Mas‘ūd al-Yūsī, Abū Alī al-Ḥasan; Cisse, Al-hadji Mamadou (scribe)
    The Arabic manuscript is a copy of a poem dealing with the life of Prophet Muḥammad and Sufism. It includes extensive glosses in Arabic and Soninke Ajami. It is a copy of an Arabic poem by the 17th-century Moroccan Sufi poet, Abū Alī al-Ḥasan ibn Mas‘ūd al-Yūsī (1631-1691).
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    Images of manuscript owner Imam Lamine Cisse in Ziguinchor
    (2018-05-10) Ngom, Ibrahima
    Images of manuscript owner Imam Lamine Cisse with Cheikh Ibrahima Yaffa in Grand Yoff, Ziguinchor, Senegal, for the manuscript digitization work done in May 2018.